Found these friendly little fellows on a recent visit to a local park. They were particularly friendly (probably because we had lots of fruit to spare!) and came right up to our seat, much to the amusement of Emily, who'd never seen squirrels so close.

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that's really cute..wish i had one too.
Very fun post! I think your squirrels are cousins to ours - just as fiesty.
Thanks for sharing!
Ha--I love your scroll caption!
Shalom to you and the squirrels.
Love these photo's - my local guys are far too skittish for me to get near enough to photo.
Great photos... we have squirrels just as friendly and brazen as this living in the Museum Gardens in York. My kids love them and we always try to take something along for them to eat... they have a penchant for peanuts.
Wait till my Dad sees this post... he's squirrel mad!
reat collection and the caption on the last one a killer. Make like a scroll is going to be my saying today.
Yes they visit our garden too ..
When we go to Heaton Park and try to feed them then can be very particular - they will only take seeds and not peanuts ..
Too well fed
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