For this weeks Sky Watch I had intended to capture the wonderful coastal resort of Redcar on the North East coast of England (I work there) and perhaps some wonderful waves crashing on the golden sands with the sky as a backdrop, it was going to be a stunner!!
Sadly, I forgot my camera so you'll have to make do with these waves instead - at least the sky is real!

For more sky watchers visit Tom at
Wiggers World.
It's the way you tell em!
Hi (waves back!). Cute photos :)
Great Skywatch Friday! I am so glad that Tom hosts this. I get to see so many new places through the pictures of you guys! Have a great week!
Fun Sky Watch!
Hi Gary..
Excellent love the fun touch here.. sometimes we forget that...thank you for joining in again with Sky Watch.. Enjoy :O)
Very humourous entry!
Once upon a time there was this great and fantastic group of people who blogged and photographed … with a click, click here, a snap, snap there, all of them had a week to look upon the sky … day and night, by dusk or dawn, sunrise or sunset … and always there where great and fantastic photos to be seen when SKY WATCH was opened …
I am one of those proud sky watchers and I really enjoy each and every one of the photos you show us. I really think you are a first class sky watcher!
Don't you HATE it when you forget your camera? Or it's batteries go dead and you forgot the charger? Have a nice time!
Yep... I'm also waving back atcha! Hehehe...
Mountain Retreat Photos
:-)))))) funny too.
Nice weekend to you
from Norway.
Blimey they are a bit trippy!
Have a great weekend and looking forward to seeing Redcar another time.
Actually, the sky is beautiful. And I love the waves. They're fun!
Gimme five! (Or is it ten -- you seem to have more fingers than people in general ;)
Thanks for the waves, they seem pretty friendly. And the weather seems fine (in England?!!?)
Well.. dear Gary ... I think these are creative shots! Funny yes but also brilliant! Have a wonderful Friday and week-end!
Best regards from Istanbul/Turkey!
You have a great sense of humour! These are certainly unusual pictures.
Creative Sky Watch!!
That's a really good shot of the sky!
Now THAT'S a lot of fun.
Haahahah...funny....Great post.
I am in a photocontest this week too please vote for me...
The picture is called * Himmelske farger* just press the picture - and then the blue button below it.
Thank you for helping me:)
You are TOO funny! Loved your waves.
I don't have a photo up this week, but wanted to visit anyway.
Pat-An Arkansas Stamper
That is a wild set.
You might want to lay off the booze for a week or two before taking any more pictures. :)
Cute and funny. Neat pics.
Hi my friends,how are you? hope you are doing well.I used to visit to your also I VISITED as usual.and read some of your post it is really nice and useful.I HOPE YOU WILL VISIT TO MY OTHER SITES TOO.thank you.
Too funny! Thanks for sharing.
Very novel - LOL here!
Perfect catch for SWF! Mine's up too hope you can drop by... Happy weekend!
I'm glad I didn't lokk at this after a drink! Always inventive. WIerd catch of the day.
Fun Skywatch! Pretty sky!
you certainly funny there...
That is an amazing sky and clouds you have together as well as you around it...
check out mine too...
Very clever way to make lemonaide out of the lemons you've been handed!
Made my day.
Hallo from North Norway. Last week I saw all Sky Watch Friday photos and they were all great, and I hope to see them all this week too. I love to travel around the world this way.
Thanks for sharing your :-) sky watch photos and have a great weekend!
Wow! I love the effect, nice idea.
Thanks for your visit to my SkyWatch Friday post, Gary.
I'm on the road and in the field doing another photo trip chasing the bloom of our Rosebay Rhododendron (white blossoms) in the northern area of the Southern Appalachian mountains, and with lodging that does not have the most reliable internet service. I won't be home again for a few more days yet, but I did finally develop and upload a few images to update my July 7 Rhododendron post.
Sunrise this morning was a washout, literally, with locally heavy thunderstorms--looks like the rain won't ease up until later morning so I'm going to breakfast soon. But I wanted to try and get around to all who visited my SWF, and others too while I still have good internet access. So, please forgive this cut & paste with a small bit of personalization added--I do appreciate your visit and your comments.
I do hope your feeling better today. Yeah, it really is pretty tough keeping a good mental attitude when you're feeling so miserable--it's a challenge!
I don't mind the waves and the sky is pretty. I know how you feel about not having your camera with you: I did a 2 week trip a couple of years ago and left my four 2GB memory cards at home! Luckily I was able to get online, buy some more and get them shipped overnight to my motel.
I love reflection so this one interested me.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Visiting from Tom's site. Those pictures are enough to make me dizzy. My son's wife has crohn's disease. She's had ever since she was a child. There's alot of things she can't eat because it won't digest. She is sick alot. Hope yours is under control.
Come see my gators.
No post?!! :(
Haha, great post Gary, love the waves.
Thanks for your visit to my blog and your comments.
Austria's next post now up
Not a bad sky for Redcar!
"Good vibrations"...
Consider yourself waved at.
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